Day 6 Electric
Day 6 Electric Bicycles combine the legendary comfort, safety, practicality, and ergonomics of a Day 6 with powerful, quiet, and dependable Bafang Mid Drive Motor system for one of the most amazing two wheeled vehicles ever made. Each Day 6 Electric Bicycle is custom built for you in the us, test ridden, and shipped to your local bike shop for professional assembly. You choose the Day 6 model, color, and size, and then pick the motor, battery, and front chain ring that’s right for you. We can even add a Rohloff Speedhub to your bike.
Click on a bicycle below to view features, prices, and specs.

Journey with the internally geared Shimano Nexus hub, a 350W Bafang mid drive motor, and choice of 14Ah or 17.5Ah battery.
Our strongest frame paired with a Bafang 750HD mid drive and a 17.5Ah battery.
Our Dream24 frame paired with the Bafang 48V/500W rear hub motor and 10 speed drive train is our least expensive e-bike.
Bafang Mid Drive Motor

We have been converting Day 6 bicycles to electric for 12 years and have seen a lot of designs come and go. The Bafang mid drive motor system is one of the best products (not just motors) to come on the bike scene in years. See for yourself why we are so excited about using these systems on the Day 6!

Console is easy to read and provides distance, time, instantaneous power usage, trip distance, speed, and battery level.
Thumb throttle and touch pad are easy to access and control the power of the bike.

Pedal assist has 9 power levels. Depending on your fitness and the terrain – you decide how much power you want.
Waterproof wire connectors are extremely secure.
Utilizes the gearing of the bike. Like a motorcycle or car, when you come to a hill and shift down, the motor spins at a higher RPM.
Unlike hub motors, you can use your existing wheels or upgrade your wheelset.
No need to unplug wires while changing a flat.
Easy to read display.
Color display comes with USB power port.
Motor shut-off brake levers.
Motor is mounted low and centered for great balance.
Bafang 350W and 750HD available.
Batteries come in 14 amp hour and 17.5 amp hour.
Controller is internal so no extra mounting on frame.
Sensor shuts down motor while shifting and then engages motor when shifting is complete for smoother gear changes.
Thin profile battery sits between down tubes for improved balance and performance.
Systems come with 42 tooth alloy chain rings
This is one of our most commonly asked questions.
We believe there should be a standardized test so people can compare apples to apples since ebike manufacturers can say anything to get you to buy their bicycle.
There are companies that claim 75-100 miles on a charge. What does that mean? How much did the person weigh? Were there hills? Was there wind? Was the rider a professional cyclist? The real question is how much did they pedal?
An electric bicycle has unlimited range if the rider is pedaling constantly! Except for the flat test, every person’s results will be different.
We actually test our bikes and here is the criteria we use:
175 pound rider
NO pedaling
Wind under 5 mph
60-85 degrees
Paved level surface
Average speed of 17 mph
In the above real world testing, on a 750W motor, we got 33 miles on the 13.5Ah battery and 42 miles on the 17.5Ah battery. Remember, this is NO pedaling at 17mph!
Some important things to consider before purchasing an electric bicycle.
1. Price. Let’s face it, an electric bicycle is a big investment. Be sure you are buying quality. In our experience, if a new electric bike is under $2000 you will probably be disappointed. A quality bicycle alone can cost between $500 and $1500 and a good quality battery and motor system can easily run $3000+. We have a poster on our wall that sums it up:
The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of cheap price is forgotten!
2. Motor. If you are over 250 pounds, want to maintain 20 mph, and/or live in the hills, you are going to need more than 350 watts. This is especially true if you have bad knees or other health concerns. If you are commuting, you may need to go faster than 20 mph. A 500 watt or larger motor will be necessary for the above scenarios.
3. Battery. If you ride a lot, carry your bike, or ride long distances – avoid lead acid batteries. They are inexpensive (in the short term) but are heavy and only last about one season. They also have limited range. Your best bet is lithium.
4. Comfort. What good is an electric bicycle if it has the best battery, motor, and performance on the planet if it hurts to ride it or you feel unsafe? You will ride longer and farther on an electric bicycle than a traditional bicycle.
Make sure it is comfortable!
See why 18 year NFL veteran Lomas Brown loves his Day6!
“Simply put, I love my Dream 24 Day 6 bicycle. In fact, I literally crave riding it. It is the most comfortable thing on two wheels that I have ever sat on. I have loved cycling for many years, but my racing bike was starting to cause pain between my shoulder blades – and when that area didn’t hurt, my derriere did. The Day 6 solves both of those problems. My average distance used to be about 30 miles – the second time I went out on “Dreamy,” I easily biked 60 and could have gone farther, but it was getting dark! It is not a light-weight bike, as most semi-recumbents are not, but you make that trade for the sake of unbelievable comfort. Just buy this bike – it is a whole new biking experience. You will love it!”
Betsy in CA
“Your bike has changed my life. Literally the best money I have ever spent on anything.”
Joyce in TN
“Yesterday Sue and I took our Day 6 bikes on an adventure on the Lewes-Rehoboth Loop which features some absolutely beautiful and amazing bike trails. If you are ever in Delaware you really must ride this Loop. It is awesome. I was challenged, without electric assist, to keep up with Sue but I did just fine. Love my standard Day 6 though. Sue had a great time riding her electric Day 6 on the trails with me. All I can say is wow.
We had so much fun. Her bike performed wonderfully. Thanks for such an amazing bicycle.”Larry and Sue, DE